Research Areas of the SFB TR9 - Computational Particle Physics
Project- (code) |
Titel | Research Area | Principal investigators, institute, location |
A | Perturbative methods and lattice simulation in quantum field theory | ||
A1 | Multiloop calculations and computer algebraic in quantum field theory | Perturbative quantum field theory, computer algebra, high energy physics | Kuehn, TTP - KA |
A2 | Parallelization of computer algebraic program systems | Computer algebra, parallelization | Kuehn, TTP - KA Steinhauser, TTP - KA |
A3 (term.) |
Efficient techniques for lattice perturbation theory | Theoretical particle physics, lattice field theory, Monte Carlo methods, particles phenomenology | Wolff, IP - HU Kuehn, TTP - KA |
A4 | Chirally invariant and twisted mass formulations of the QCD on the lattice | Theoretical particle physics, lattice field theory, lattice QCD, topology, chiral symmetry | Mueller-Preussker, IP - HU Jansen, NIC, DESY, Zeuthen |
A5 (new) |
Automated NLO/NLL Monte Carlo programs for the LHC | Perturbative quantum field theory, loop corrections, NLO and NLL Monte Carlo programs | Kraemer, TTK - AC Czakon, TTK - AC |
B | Predictions for high-energy reactions | ||
B1 | Precision predictions for massive particle production | Perturbative quantum field theory, computer algebra, high energy physics | Moch, DESY, Zeuthen Czakon, TTK - AC Riemann, DESY, Zeuthen |
B2 | Lattice computation of input parameter of perturbative QCD | Theoretical particle physics, lattice field theory, Monte Carlo methods, particle phenomenology | Wolff, IP - HU |
B3 | Parton distribution functions on the lattice and in the continuum | Theoretical particle physics, lattice gauge theory, automated analytic perturbative computations in QCD, deeply inelastic scattering | Bluemlein, DESY, Zeuthen Jansen, NIC, DESY, Zeuthen |
B4 | Production of unstable particles | Effective field theory, collider physics phenomenology | Beneke, Co-operation partner |
B5 | Precise calculations for Higgs and BSM physics at the LHC | LHC phenomenology, loop corrections, Higgs physics, supersymmetry, alternative new physics models | Zeppenfeld, IThP - KA Kraemer TTK - AC Muehlleitner IThP - KA |
C | Heavy quarks and flavour physics | ||
C1 | Strong interaction effects in B meson decays | B mesons physics, lattice gauge theory and perturbative methods, determination of the CKM matrix, CP violation und physics beyond the SM |
Sommer, NIC, DESY, Zeuthen |
C3 | Threshold production of top-quark pairs and other heavy particles | Top-quark physics, non-relativistic effective theory | Steinhauser, TTP - KA |
C4 | Top-quark physics at colliders | Theoretical particle physics, collider phenomenology | Bernreuther, TTK - AC Moch, DESY, Zeuthen Uwer, IP - HU |
C5 | Multiloop-calculations with heavy fermions in the SM ans MSSM | Perturbative quantum field theory, heavy quarks, rare B decays, supersymmetric corrections, threshold corrections, properties of the Higgs boson | Steinhauser, TTP - KA Mihaila, TTP - KA |
C6 (term.) |
Flavour physics beyond the SM | Elementary particle physics, Flavour physics, supersymmetry | Nierste, TTP - KA Beneke, TTK - AC |
Z | Central tasks of the Transregional CRC | Kraemer, TTK - AC |
Last Change: 26th January 2015