Research Areas of the SFB TR9 - Computational Particle Physics

Titel Research Area Principal investigators, institute, location
A1 Multiloop calculations and computer algebraic in quantum field theory Perturbative quantum field theory, computer algebra, high energy physics Kuehn, TTP - KA
A2 Parallelization of computer algebraic program systems Computer algebra, parallelization Kuehn, TTP - KA
Steinhauser, TTP - KA
Efficient techniques for lattice perturbation theory Theoretical particle physics, lattice field theory, Monte Carlo methods, particles phenomenology Wolff, IP - HU
Kuehn, TTP - KA
A4 Chirally invariant and twisted mass formulations of the QCD on the lattice Theoretical particle physics, lattice field theory, lattice QCD, topology, chiral symmetry Mueller-Preussker, IP - HU
Jansen, NIC, DESY, Zeuthen
Automated NLO/NLL Monte Carlo programs for the LHC Perturbative quantum field theory, loop corrections, NLO and NLL Monte Carlo programs Kraemer, TTK - AC
Czakon, TTK - AC
B1 Precision predictions for massive particle production Perturbative quantum field theory, computer algebra, high energy physics Moch, DESY, Zeuthen
Czakon, TTK - AC
Riemann, DESY, Zeuthen
B2 Lattice computation of input parameter of perturbative QCD Theoretical particle physics, lattice field theory, Monte Carlo methods, particle phenomenology Wolff, IP - HU
B3 Parton distribution functions on the lattice and in the continuum Theoretical particle physics, lattice gauge theory, automated analytic perturbative computations in QCD, deeply inelastic scattering Bluemlein, DESY, Zeuthen
Jansen, NIC, DESY, Zeuthen
B4 Production of unstable particles Effective field theory, collider physics phenomenology Beneke, Co-operation partner
B5 Precise calculations for Higgs and BSM physics at the LHC LHC phenomenology, loop corrections, Higgs physics, supersymmetry, alternative new physics models Zeppenfeld, IThP - KA
Kraemer TTK - AC
Muehlleitner IThP - KA
C1 Strong interaction effects in B meson decays B mesons physics, lattice gauge theory and perturbative methods,
determination of the CKM matrix, CP violation und physics beyond the SM
Sommer, NIC, DESY, Zeuthen
C3 Threshold production of top-quark pairs and other heavy particles Top-quark physics, non-relativistic effective theory Steinhauser, TTP - KA
C4 Top-quark physics at colliders Theoretical particle physics, collider phenomenology Bernreuther, TTK - AC
Moch, DESY, Zeuthen
Uwer, IP - HU
C5 Multiloop-calculations with heavy fermions in the SM ans MSSM Perturbative quantum field theory, heavy quarks, rare B decays, supersymmetric corrections, threshold corrections, properties of the Higgs boson Steinhauser, TTP - KA
Mihaila, TTP - KA
Flavour physics beyond the SM Elementary particle physics, Flavour physics, supersymmetry Nierste, TTP - KA
Beneke, TTK - AC

TTP - KA Institute of Theoretical Particle Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
TTK - AC Institute of Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology, RWTH Aachen University
NIC/DESY Zeuthen John von Neumann-Institute of Computing, DESY, Zeuthen
DESY Zeuthen Theory Group DESY, Zeuthen
IP-HU Institute of Physics, Humboldt-University in Berlin
IThP - KA Institute of Theoretical Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Last Change: 26th January 2015